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"I used to feel invisible. Now I feel VISIBLE."

VIP [VALUED IMPORTANT PERSON] engages with some of the most vulnerable young people in the city, those who may be facing extremely challenging circumstances and those living in abject poverty and difficult family situations. These young people struggle with low self-esteem, contend with multiple barriers to learning and achieving, can be displaced, live in all types of deprivation, are coping with a terminal illness in the family, family breakdown, health issues, addiction and other issues that leave them feeling isolated and which affects their ability to feel motivated and significantly limits their aspirations. 

VIP:LOVE & VIP:MYCRIB provide 121 ‘intentional acts of kindness’ to some of the city’s most vulnerable and marginalised young people aged 11 and over. This experience aims to demonstrate that they matter, to give value, to raise aspirations, to transform their environment, promote positive social experiences, create positive memories, and to leave a positive legacy in the life of the young person who is identified as ‘in need’ or at risk’. 


Some examples of our activities are:​


• Inspirational Bedroom Packs & Vision Boards


• TLC Tubs for Teens (Toiletries etc.) including a hand-written bespoke 'RED-LETTER' to affirm and inspire.


• Outings and day trips to widen YPs' experience.


• Personal Care Experiences


• Practical Prom Experiences including providing dresses/suits, accessories and transport.


Please click on the form below to review the criteria & make an introduction.



RUFF & RUBY Youth Charity promotes positive self-esteem & aspirations in young people to be ‘the best version of themselves’.



07812 774 632



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